Idiot proof tutorials for learning Scratch

Saturday, October 11, 2014

On 12:21 AM by Unknown   No comments

The Basic Skills Course

Scratch Environment 

Welcome to Scratch! The picture above shows how the Scratch environment looks like. We are going to familiarize ourselves with the environment by first earning what is each part called.

These are the main parts of Scratch. The stage, where all the action happens. The sprite list, where all the sprites are. The blocks palette, where all the blocks are. And finally, the scripts area, where all the program is located. Let's go deeper into each part!


This is the stage. It is where your program runs. Always remember that the stage can have its own program.

Sprite List

This is the sprite list. It is where all the sprites are (more on those later).

Blocks Palette

This is the blocks palette. It is where you will find all the blocks used in Scratch.

Scripts Area

This is the scripts area. There is a separate one for each sprite. This is where all the blocks are put to be used in programming.

Well done! Now you can move on the to next part of the course, All about Sprites!


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